You may very well be wondering what we mean by the title of this article! Aren’t all websites built on a concept? Well, yes, of course they are, but this collection is full of designs that you wouldn’t necessarily marry up with the product or service being offered, or are just very off-beat or different in terms of scrolling, images used or just general presentation.
Some tell a story as you scroll through the site, some give an insight on the product being offered, then others grab your attention by being too busy, too bright, too big, etc. These types of designs can make you determined to figure out how they work – of course, on the other hand, they can simply make you move on if you really don’t have time right now!
Website Designs with a Great Concept
Design Made in Germany Magazin
Skittles – Experience the Rainbow
Hopefully, if you have visited some of the selected websites, you now understand the title. Whether the concept is in the graphics, the scrolling, the animation or just the general overall design, these sites have great concepts!
Do you know of any we may have missed from this list? Perhaps your own site? Please share your opinions and links with us in the comments section below.