Selecting a color scheme for a given website design project is not always easy. Sometimes the product or service will help to determine the base or main color, but where to go from there is usually a matter for the designer’s imagination and inspiration.
Before you start worrying about color schemes, you’ve got to decide what platform you’re going to build your website with. If you do not know how to make or setup a blog, you can always hire a freelancer or learn them yourself from an online tutorial site.
There are sites that offer huge selections of color combinations where you can search for a specific color or just browse by categories such as newest, most popular, etc., but sometimes there is just no substitute for browsing other sites for inspiration, where designers have used color schemes that, as a palette may not be obvious bed-mates.
In this round up we have selected 40 sites that have some outstanding and/or unusual color combinations, and where the designers have applied a great deal of creativity.
Websites with Outstanding or Unusual Color Schemes
Each featured site has a color palette of 5 colors below the screenshot. These palettes are simply an idea of the colors used in the design, and there are a couple of points to be taken into consideration about them:
- The colors have been sourced from the screenshot in Photoshop, so they are for guidance only
- Some colors included in some of the palettes are not visible on the screenshot page – but they will appear somewhere on the site
Hopefully you have been inspired by the websites featured in this showcase, and maybe even surprised by the color palettes used.
Which of these sites was your favorite, and what attracts you to it? Have you created any sites with different or unusual color schemes? Please share your thoughts and links with us in the comments section below.