In the artificial world of digital photos, illustrated characters, boxy layouts and cutting-edge geometric effects, a bit of emotion has never been excessive and uncalled-for. We appreciate open and smiling human faces, sanguine children, cheerful old ladies and even funny dogs and cats. Each one has its level of personality and a gamut of emotions that as a rule greatly benefit the project, enriching the general feeling and lightening up the air.
Emotions are integral constituents that are quite often overlooked. Nevertheless, they are vital for building healthy and trustworthy relationships with the online audience. When done properly, they give us a sense of comfort, reliability, reassurance and sometimes even serenity – the sorts of feelings that are alien to UIs yet are familiar to us.
Take a look at our list of 20 website designs with carefully built-in emotions, mostly positive ones. They prepossess and evoke empathy. What kind of reaction do they cause? Share your opinion.
Websites That Evoke Emotion
Rich Brown
Rich Brown greets the online audience with a series of self-portraits that convey various emotions. Open face and intent look across the browser screen establishes a friendly relationship and close connection.
Much like the previous example, PsyPhotology displays a range of photos where people display emotions. In such a way, the team bolsters the main tagline and adds a human touch that is so necessary for digital designs.
GlemmRide has a powerful sports vibe and adventurous spirit. A portrait of a young man with a huge smile and hilarious face that marks the landing page evoke positive emotions and certainly grabs the attention.
Sileni Nano
Sileni Nano is sated with a positive atmosphere that lures visitors in. The image backdrop of young and buoyant people is spruced up with a cheerful mood that sets the tone for the whole project, supports the theme and goes perfectly well with the rest of the design.
Unlike those above, Pagrindinis does not showcase photos of funny or smiling people, yet it features an eye-pleasing and lovely illustration with children. As we all know, this factor is always associated with something good, innocent and optimistic. Primary green color greatly contributes to the theme and highlights the idea.
The Xfinity
The beauty and originality of The XFinity lies in a series of Polaroid style selfies that are scattered throughout the page. They overfill the project with various sincere emotions. Neon lettering and ghost buttons with delicate graphics set up the marvelous atmosphere of early 90’s that reinforces user experience.
Philips BT6000
BT6000 exudes an image of life, freedom, and joy that ideally fit with the objective of the project. Here you will find a vibrant, dynamic and emotional promo video that introduces you to the new device in a bright fashion.
Stand for Human Rights
Stand for Human Rights is a serious project that touches important issues, so it is not surprising that the atmosphere on the homepage is quite gloomy, somber and humorless. The professional photo manipulation plays a vital role, conveying the attitude and strengthening the first impression.
Robben Island
Robben Island’s official website is marked by iconic people with insightful looks that go straight to your heart. The homepage is penetrated with profound and intense emotions that are perceived on a subconscious level.
Roland LX-17
Roland LX-17 has a first-rate promo website that offers a rich experience. Skillfully incorporating delicate human emotions and adding spirit to the aesthetics, the team has managed to make the project outstanding and unique.
Conor Mcgregor
Conor Mcgregor’s personal website is bursting with his strong and remarkable personality. There is a series of lush photos and characteristic videos that convey the proper mood and work into the project’s inviting nature.
Inecto leverages organic textures and warm brownish coloring that provide the interface with a natural feel. Several amiable photos of smiling ladies placed on the right sidebar have a level of charisma and a certain charm.
LMYou features several short videos with different people that at the end begin to smile. This nice twist with a positive note contributes to the general feeling as well as completes the tone and attitude of the project. It also elicits trusts.
Philippe Hong
Although Philippe Hong does not have a win-win smile, his open face and steadfast gaze are simply charming. Thus, he easily establishes close contact. These subtle emotions also contribute to user experience, making it more human like.
The Refinery
The Refinery owes its beauty to a series of spectacular photo backgrounds that feature stylish men dressed to the nines. Nevertheless, what does strike the eye and bring the human feeling to the project is the last image that marks the contact section. Here you will find a chic young man who is laughing. Although this trick concentrates the whole attention on the backdrop at first, it certainly gives a unique zest to the overall aesthetics.
Christian Andrada
Christian Andrada’s personal portfolio skillfully employs the dark coloring and contrast as well as excellently utilizes white space. The home screen is a reflection of the powerful and charismatic person behind the curtains. Deep emotions are hidden inside, and self-portrait is the proof of that.
FreshForm is an app that helps to increase conversions and find new customers for your business via creating email addresses and newsletters. 2 smiling faces that welcome online visitors illustrate the point in its unique way.
Aykut Gurkan
When you first stumble upon this website, it feels like saying ‘Hi!’ to a person who cheerfully and gleefully glances at you. Such a solution naturally maintains users’ focus on the page and establishes pleasant and trustworthy relationships.
IMS Payroll
IMS Payroll with its fantastic, natural and kind photo background that is full of positive emotions brings the human touch to the website. It seems to be reliable and dependable with a huge spirit.
R.E.V. demonstrates that it is not necessary to incorporate shots of people or illustrations to equip the website with emotions. This mind-blowing photo manipulation charges the design with energy and brings passion and powerful feelings that are almost overwhelming.
Emotions are mighty instruments that in seconds reference the point across the website, motivate users, reach a required level of relationships and bolster the personality of the project. There are plenty of ways of working them into the design. However, it is quite important to not overdo it and achieve the golden mean.