Halloween is a day of secular celebration with its roots in ancient pagan practices. It is a holy day for Wiccans and Warlocks. It is also a day when the Christians celebrate All Saints Day. The Oxford dictionary defines “pagan” as one who holds the belief that deity exists in natural forces e.g. nature-worshiping (in contrast to believing in Christianity, Judaism etc).
Carved pumpkins, costumes (the uglier and more horrific, the better!), bonfires and food offerings; Halloween is widely celebrated throughout the world, on 31st October – the eve of “All Soul’s Day” (November 1st) or “Samhain” (pronounced as “SOW-en”) in Celtic traditions. This time is believed to be a time when souls of the deceased are “allowed” to visit their earthly homes and contact loved ones.
23 Exclusive Halloween Wallpapers
Today we have collected 23 Halloween wallpapers for you. Let these exclusive Halloween wallpapers bewitch you!
Tricks or Treats?
The practice of dishing out candy to “trick or treaters” came about because of yet another belief that the soul of the deceased had no food for a whole year and would be angry and become malefic (a hungry man or soul, is an angry man!). And so, food was usually laid out as offerings to the deceased. It was widely believed that if you do not do so, then the souls would harass you and plague you all year. Over the years, the practice of offering food evolved to become what it is today – offering of candy to the little ones.
Feeling the heat from the cauldron? Now it’s time for us to gather again in our black suits, smoky eyes and pointy hats and get the cauldron boiling! Have a great Halloween friends and enjoy these exclusive Halloween wallpapers!