How To Create A Simple Print CSS For Your Site
Print CSS is a Cascading Style Sheet intended for print documents when users want to print the web page for reference. It applies to document view in print preview…
How To Plastic Wrap Your Candy With Photoshop And Illustrator
In this tutorial, I will touch on the Photoshop filter – Plastic Wrap. The Plastic Wrap filter is one of the most useful special effects tool Photoshop has to…
How To Create Multiple Links On A Single Image With Image Map
HTML Image Map has been around all this while, and yet not many web pages are using it when it comes to single image with multiple links. It’s really…
jQuery jCarousel Lite With Pretty Image Captions That Appear On Rollover
Circular row of scrolling thumbnails have been very popular on the net. It’s sleek yet simple. That’s why many web professionals like to use them. However, if you are…
18 Absolutely Creative Interactive Kiosk Screen Layouts
You may have not noticed, but Interactive kiosks machines have some how played quite a big part in our daily life. Imagine not having an Automatic Teller Machine that…