You may have not noticed, but Interactive kiosks machines have some how played quite a big part in our daily life. Imagine not having an Automatic Teller Machine that dispenses money; or not having machines in the library that can locate the book that we are looking for out of the thousands? Life will be so difficult.
Interactive Kiosk can be largely found at airports, shopping malls, galleries, libraries and even in restaurants as menus. They are a growing trend in the market of increased customer interaction and satisfaction. Such Interactive Kiosk are highly customized to meet the needs of the users. Aesthetic and functional design is a key element that drives the user acceptance. Designing it typically requires larger buttons and simpler navigational hierarchy than designing for a web. Today we present 18 creative Interactive Kiosk Screen layouts created by some hard-working and dedicated designers.
Pearson Airport Interactive Kiosk
O’Hare Airport
HongKong Airport
Fusionopolis Interactive Kiosk
Mammoth Mountain 3D
Singapore Air Airbus A380
Art and Ornament of the Marquette Building
Lost Sounds
Interactive table ordering system
Music Epicenters
Music Epicenters by SecondStorey
Creating the U.S. Interactives
U.S. Interactives by SecondStorey
The Compass Today
The Compass Today Kiosk Interface
Sony Ericsson Touch Screen
Interactive display for Sony Ericsson