Everyone loves having beautiful desktop wallpapers on their computer. It helps us to de-stress and gives us something else that’s pretty to look at when we have been working on our computers all day. Some people like to change their desktop wallpapers daily to keep things refreshing, while others stick to one they like for several months or until another wallpaper strikes their fancy.
2010, also known as MMX in Roman numerals, is a common year in accordance with the Gregorian calendar and starts tomorrow on Friday. 2010 is also the first of the 2010s decade, so let’s begin this New Year with a big bang and dress up our computer screens with amazing wallpapers.
Showcased in this article is a fantastic collection of Year 2010 wallpapers designed through the creative use of typography and effects. This collection will appeal to typography enthusiast and anyone who appreciates well designed wallpapers. In celebration of the New Year, Onextrapixel is proud to release 5 beautiful typography wallpaper designs created by Benjamin Diolez exclusively for us. You can find out more about Benjamin Diolez at his Website or follow him on Twitter.
Five 2010 Exclusive Wallpapers
Benjamin Diolez is a Communication Networks and Services student from Bordeaux University, France. He is also a Web developer and is looking for an internship in Melbourne. These five 2010 Wallpapers are designed by him and released free for Onextrapixel’s readers.
More 2010 Wallpapers
A Happy New 2010 Year!
Once again, Onextrapixel would like to thank our avid readers, sponsors and everyone who has supported us so far. We hope everyone will have a wonderful year ahead, and wish that 2010 is a good year for everyone!