Infinite scrolling is the means to prevent users having to click on ‘next page’ buttons. In this round-up we are also featuring those sites where the scrolling loops infinitely whether it’s horizontally or vertically. In some instances ‘infinite’ is not strictly correct, as the scrolling will come to an end when the search term or content is exhausted – but in many cases you could be scrolling for hours before that happens!
It is nice to be able to include some of the big names in this list, and to know that they are still considering their users! Some of the examples in this article have used the scroll path jQueries that are freely available these days. Scrolling effects continue to be fairly popular with designers and developers and hopefully you will find some inspiration from this collection.
Infinite Scrolling Website Design
Lieber Institute for Brain Development
Lexus GS Million Mile Test Drive
Skittles: Experience the Rainbow
Scrolling effects have been trending for a while now, and it seems this style of website design is not going out of fashion any time soon.
Do you like different and unusual scrolling effects? Do you like the idea of a single web page without next page buttons? Perhaps you prefer the idea that has adopted: that it is the user’s choice to have infinite scrolling or page breaks.
Please share your opinions with us in the comments section below.