Black and white (grayscale) sites have been around for quite some time, but in recent years we have seen the emergence of monochromatic color schemes in website design, using one base color in various shades, with black and/or white and accents of complimentary colors.
Some of the advantages of creating monochromatic website designs are: the avoidance of color clashes, no or fewer distractions, more focus on the content. This showcase features 40 monochromatic sites, including a few grayscale examples.
Beautiful Examples of Monochromatic Website Design
Monochromatic design has been around in the interior design field for years, and has continued to grow in popularity. The main advantage of using monochromatic design in your home is that your accented color scheme can be easily changed. Complimentary colors are injected through accessories such as cushions, pictures, etc.
Here are a couple of examples of effective monochromatic interior design. Notice how accented colors are added through accessories:
Monochromatic Website Design Showcase
New Adventures in Web Design Conference
The Nikola Tesla Institutes of Medicine USA – Costa Rica
Monochromatic Color Palettes
Here are a few examples of monochromatic color palettes for inspiration:
Although it is generally considered that using a monochromatic color scheme makes design easier, I don’t think that is always the case. There are a lot of considerations, such as deciding whether you are going to keep your photo images in full color or are you going to put a monochromatic filter over them? Are you going to keep strictly to one color, or are you going to add complimentary accents?
Please share your opinions with us on monochromatic website design or some of the color tools that you use. Do you think it is a trend that is here to stay, or just a passing phase?
Have you designed a monochromatic website? If so, we would love to see your work, so please leave the link in the comments section below.